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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Different Kind of Guest Post

I had a guest post published today on  You see, Christian Personal Finance was looking to add another couple staff writers to their blog so I figured I would send an email and ask about it.  It turns out that there were many, many responses to this post offering these 2 positions.  In fact, there were about 100 responses. 

So the owner of the site decided to hold a little guest posting contest.  The editors narrowed down the field to 10 bloggers based upon previously submitted writing samples.  I simply provided the link to my blogs and HubPages articles thinking I didn't have much of a chance against 100 others.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I had been included in the top 10.  The next portion of the "interview" was to write a guest post for publication and let the blogosphere help make the decision.  Of course, the deadline for sending in the post happened to be midnight on the evening that we were driving back from Dallas where I had crappy internet access and little time for writing.  At least the deadline was midnight Central time.  Since I was in the Eastern time zone, I had until 1 am to get it done.  When I sat down at 11 pm after driving for 16 hours, I got an extra hour to get it in.

Let me tell you that writing a post late at night after driving home 900 miles from Dallas is not that much fun.  I certainly wondered if I should even bother, but I have always been one to do my best no matter the circumstances.  Besides, the worst that could happen is I get a guest post published along with a link so that I might get a new reader or two to my personal finance blog.

On the other hand, I could end up picking up a staff writing position and making a few dollars per month for blogging while reaching a much wider audience than I can currently.  Either way, I was honored to be considered as one of the top 10% of writers who had expressed interest.  I still consider myself an amateur writer and blogger so to be considered is a great accomplishment for me.

Anyway, if you want to read my article on lessons we can learn from Solomon, please feel free.  I would be honored if you consider it worthy enough to comment upon, tweet or retweet or digg or stumble or share on facebook, etc.  If not, then that is OK also.  I am just pleased to be making progress one day and one post at a time.

Thanks for reading this blog as well as my other writings.  I really appreciate it.


  1. Great! I'll head over there right now. Good luck - you have as good a chance as anyone to get that position. :)

  2. Thanks Deanna. I am OK with whatever occurs. The experience has been positive so that's all that I can ask for now.

  3. Kidgas, how in the world have I missed your blog up until now? So glad that I found you.

    I went over to CPF as requested. For someone writing under the influence of sleep deprivation I think that you did a wonderful job. I left a comment and will be giving you a tweet as soon as I submit this one.

    Praying that you're one of the ones chosen, but even if not I hope that we'll see more articles of the same from you in the future as time and relevance allow.

    Be blessed!

  4. Angela,
    Thank you for such a wonderful comment. I would like to be picked, but was happy just to have been considered.


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