Little did I realize that I would surpass that figure for 3 months in a row. However, there has been some fluctuations and income for February and March will be down but well above the $96 figure that I would need to earn by July. In fact, it appears that simply the HubPages Ad Program and AdSense alone could almost account for that total in this month.
Even with some set backs, it seems that I am on track for meeting the online income growth targets for the first two years. The biggest driver of that success has been the development of 2 personal finance blogs. Now I am not sure what the future will hold, but it seems that developing a few more blogs would seem like a reasonable thing to do.
In fact, I will be coming out with a collaborative project in the next few days and will announce it here sometime during the month of April. It has turned out to be a bit more work than I anticipated, but it is coming together. I will be spending some more time working on it this weekend in preparation for the April 1st launch.
I am fully expecting the new blog to add to the AdSense income although I will have to pay for some content once certain goals have been met. I do think that the costs should be covered, but only time will tell. I have set aside a couple hundred dollars from my other earnings to cover the initial costs of author payments.